Bio2Bio (SBO-FWO 2017-2021) aims to generate and identify biostimulants and biopesticides from organic waste streams through a screening platform encompassing a wide range of in vitro/greenhouse/field bioassays. The principal ingredients of biostimulants and biopesticides ant their mode of action is investigated. We established a screening platform compiled of more than 60 assays of in vitro, greenhouse, and field tests that determine environmental toxicity, biostimulant, and biopesticide activity. This approach is unique in its kind and in terms of capacity. Our project addresses a knowledge gap on how biostimulants and biopesticides work by gaining insight into the molecular mechanism by which the product exerts a positive effect on a plant growth or protection from diseases. The valorization potential of waste streams that harbor biostimulant and biopesticide activity are evaluated in collaboration with industry.
The bio2bio project brings together academic partners (UGent, KU Leuven, ILVO, and VITO), as well as industrial partners (Ajinomoto, DCM, BiPa, Eastman, BioFirst, Bayer, and Oleon) who are actively engaging in the biostimulant/biopesticide markets.
PhD project Halimat Yewande Ogunsanya
Halimat is investigating biostimulant activity that was discovered in the used forced roots from Belgian endives.
Project partners

Project overview