The FERTI & GROW ACADEMY (FGA) project aims to develop high quality scientific and pedagogical digital training courses on Organic Fertilizers and Growing Media to teach farmers, agriculture vocational education and training (VET) providers and learners, companies why and how to use them to implement integrated pest management (IPM) and meet sustainable agriculture requirements.
The expected impact of FGA is to increase skills and knowledges on of Organic Fertilizers and Growing Media stakeholders, and the promote natural product meeting with EU regulations and Common Agricultural Policy objectives to support sustainable agriculture.
Partners of Ferti & Grow Academy project are:
- My Training Box in France
- AFAIA in France,
- Ghent University in Belgium,
- CSIC in Spain and
- Tuscia University in Italy
During 24 months, we are going to collaborate in order to :
- Create 4 high scientific and pedagogical training on Organic Fertilizers and Growing Media in 4 languages (French, English, Spanish and Italian) available for free on www.mygreentrainingbox.com platform as from 17/05/2024.
- Organise 8 webinars to focus on case studies
- Prepare 8 pilot training courses in 4 countries (France, Italy, Spain, and Belgium). The pilot training courses will be a one-day technical face-to-face teaching session on organic fertilizers and growing media based on the same 8 specific case studies and crops of webinar topics.
This project is funded by the European Union. Views and opinions expressed are however those of the author(s) only and do not necessarily reflect those of the European Union or the European Education and Culture Executive Agency (EACEA). Neither the European Union nor EACEA can be held responsible for them.
For more information
In France : AFAIA / Pauline VERGNOL MONFORT / pauline.monfort@afaia.fr
My Training Box / Melisa OZDILEK / melisa@mytrainingbox.com
In Belgium / Ghent University / Patricia DELAERE / patrica.delaere@ugent.be
In Italy / Tuscia University / Mariateresa CARDARELLI / tcardare@unitus.it
In Spain / CSIC / Germán TORTOSA / german.tortosa@eez.csic.es