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Bio2Bio Bioactivity Screening Stage 1 initiated !

Bio2Bio Bioactivity Screening Stage 1 initiated !

Bio2Bio Bioactivity Screening Stage 1 initiated !

Following waste collection and extraction, over 40 extracts have been generated for the Bio2Bio Project. Since March 2018, we are establishing a screening platform of a range of in vitro, growth room, greenhouse and field tests, covering biostimulant and biopesticide responese and their targeted organisms. Seven reserach groups from Ghent University and KU Leuven are invovled in the Screening Stage 1 which will conclude by the end of 2018.  

  • Prof Karel De Schamphelaere: Environmental toxicity tests. 
  • Prof Bruno Cammue: Laboratory and growth room tests on pathogen resistance.
  • Prof Danny Geelen: Laboratory and growth room tests on plant development and sexual reproduction. 
  • Prof Geert Haesaert: Greenhouse and field tests on growth and pathogen resistance of different crop species.
  • Prof Monica Hofte:  Laboratory and greenhouse tests on pathogen resistance.
  • Prof Tina Kyndt: In vitro immunity tests.
  • Prof Thomas Van Leeuwen: Biocidal tests.